Back-up your files
You can back-up using a plugin, via cpanel, a server app or do a manual back-up, just BACK-UP!
There are 2 options to move/migrate a WordPress installation:
Option 1: Using a plugin
There are a lot of free plugins that can be used, but this plugin is tried and tested.
All-in-One WP Migration
Option 2: Manual
1. Compress all the files in File Manager, then download.
2. Export the database using PhpMyAdmin
3. Upload the compressed file to the new host and uncompress
4. Create a new database and import the backed-up database
5. Add this to the wp-config.php file
define( 'WP_HOME', '' );
define( 'WP_SITEURL', '' );
6. Don’t forget to change the database info in wp-config.php
7. Log in to your WordPress installation
8. Go to Settings > Permalinks then click Save
9. Install the Better Search Replace plugin and replace the old url to the new url
Just make sure to check the widgets.